Only carefully selected wheat


Our wheat originates from Puglia, between the areas known as Tavoliere and Capitanata, a land rich in passion, culture and tradition, which has long been known for producing the best durum wheat in Italy. In fact, the durum wheat variety known as Cappelli, the father of modern durum wheat varieties, is said to originate from this land.

Here, the rural traditions and warm, dry climate help the ears of wheat grow tall and strong.


Each variety has its own character and history. Each one differs in size, colour and yield, with various strengths and weaknesses, but all must have excellent quality indicators (protein content, absence of whitening, hectolitre weight, gluten index, yellow index), which are essential for producing a pasta with unique sensory characteristics.

We select the best durum wheat varieties, those best suited to our climate and region that offer the best characteristics for producing pasta of the highest quality, such as: Saragolla, Iride, Core, Simeto, Antalis, Maestà and Sfinge.


The Sfinge variety deserves a special mention as it offers an excellent yield and high protein content. We are particularly proud of it as it has been selected by researchers from CREA in Foggia, the Research Centre for Cereal Crops.  By using the Sfinge variety, Granoro Dedicato is helping to support the research.


Farmers operating within the Granoro Dedicato Supply Chain follow strict production rules in the field, those required to obtain the Prodotti di Qualità Puglia quality label.

Above all, every one of them brings to the field their passion and experience, adopting the best agricultural practices to produce wheat of the HIGHEST QUALITY…

...   The 6 main rules

1 Selection of the variety

Choosing the right variety is the first step towards producing excellent durum wheat. It is essential to choose varieties of durum wheat that are able to express their full potential in our region.

2 The land

The land must have the right level of humidity to enable use of the correct seed rate and planting method. The right sowing depth promotes optimum plant germination, allowing them to develop quickly and evenly.

3 Sowing season

Each variety of wheat is sown in the most suitable period and with the right amount of seeds based on the soil and climate conditions.  The middle ten days of November and the first ten days of December represents the season that offers the best conditions for fast and even plant emergence.

4 Nitrogen fertilization

Fertilizers must be formulated based on the expected yield, the characteristics of the land and the weather conditions, taking into account the plant’s crop cycle and monitoring its state of health.

5 Pest control

The battle against pests begins with good agricultural practices, using mechanical methods where possible. However, to protect plants from some diseases, other actions are just as important, such as:

  • The use of pest-free, certified seed 
  • Good preparation of the seed bed
  • Crop rotation

6 The harvest

The wheat is only harvested when it has reached the correct level of humidity for storage.